Privacy Policy


The terms and conditions and privacy policy listed here, together with Benel Energy Resources General Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use as well as General Web Site Privacy Statement apply exclusively to your access to, and use of, this Web site and do not alter in any way the Terms and Conditions of any other agreement you may have with Benel Energy Resources and or Benel Energy Resources LTD. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Purpose and scope of this policy

This policy ensures that personal information is dealt with correctly and securely and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other related legislation. It will apply to all personal data regardless of the way it is collected, used, recorded, stored, and destroyed, and irrespective of whether it is held in paper files or electronically.

All staff involved with the collection, processing, and disclosure of personal data will be aware of their duties and responsibilities and will adhere to this policy.

What is personal data?

Information about someone is defined as personal data when it can be used to identify a living individual and/or be used to influence decisions that affect the individual.

Our legal bases for processing personal data

Under the General Data Protection Regulations we rely on the following legal bases for processing your data:

Consent – we will ask for your consent for marketing to you via email or post. If you consent we can collect and process your data for this purpose.

Contract – we sometimes need to collect and process your personal data in order to fulfill a contract with you, for example, to provide training and certification. We will also collect and process your data on this basis if you’ve asked us to provide a quote. Legal – we are obliged to process some personal data to comply with the law. On booking a course with us, we must gather and retain some personal data for a set period of time to comply with the regulations and training accreditation standards.

Legitimate interests – we collect and process some personal data to pursue our legitimate interests in a way you would reasonably expect as part of running our business; for example, to analyze information on our customers in order to provide new products or services.

Types and uses of personal information If you use this website, personally identifiable information about you may be collected and processed by Benel Energy Resources employees. In general, we only collect such information (such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and type of business) when you knowingly provide it to us.

In nearly all cases this data may be collected or processed by, and transferred to, Benel Energy Resources facilities in the United States and in other countries where Benel Energy Resources does business; the data is then subject to the legal systems of those countries. By using this website, you unambiguously consent to any collection, processing, transfer, or use of any personal data. If you do not consent to any collection, processing, transfer, or use of such information, please discontinue use of this website.

Who we share your data with

Sometimes we need to share your personal data with trusted third parties. In these instances, your data will only be used for the exact purpose we specify, will be transferred and stored securely, and will be deleted or rendered anonymous if we stop working with that third party.

Examples of the third parties with whom we share data are:

• Payment-processing services

• Delivery couriers and postal services

• Email marketing service providers

• Certification bodies, such as IWCF and IADC

This list is not exhaustive and may change from time to time in line with our business processes. Please be assured that we will only ever share your information with trusted parties who adhere to GDPR and the correct standards of security.

How long do we keep your data?

We will only keep your data for as long as it’s needed. After that, we’ll delete it or destroy it; if you book a course with us, we’ll keep your data for a minimum of four years to comply with certification body stipulations. You can request that some of this be deleted sooner.

Use of cookies

Benel Energy Resources may use “cookies” in connection with the operation of its websites. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer by the Benel Energy Resources website server. Cookies are used for record-keeping purposes—the stored information can be retrieved by the Benel Energy Resources website server when you return to the website. This allows Benel Energy Resources to personalize or regulate the use of the site and also permits Benel Energy Resources to automate the access and data-entry functions of the site (e.g., login information), to store online ordering information for purchases you may make while visiting the site, and to tailor the appearance or presentation of the site to your preferences or interests. We use this information about the number of visitors and their use of the sites in aggregate form to make our sites more useful and attractive to you.

How to contact us

To request more information about our privacy policy you can email us or write to us:

6B, Captain Olajide George street, Lekki Phase 1,

