Projects- Case Histories

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Well Engineering Project Management – Niger Delta, Warri Nigeria.

Benel provided Well Engineering Project Management (WEPM) services for a client in the Niger Delta, for the delivery of planned workovers, re-entries, and new drills as part of a brownfield redevelopment campaign.

The development area comprised heavy oil reservoirs with challenges of early water breakthrough (EWBT) from viscous fingering and unfavorable mobility ratio.  Benel introduced unique solutions with autonomous inflow control devices (AICDs) as mechanical mitigation in lieu of field-wide reservoir solutions for water breakthrough.  Benel also provided technical resources for the execution of the Deep HPHT appraisal gas well with the primary objective of establishing reservoir presence, compartmentalization, and hydrocarbon charge/ retention by Fault.  The proposed well TD is c.20,500ft MD, with expected high temperature (up to 290 deg F) and high pressure (1.75SG planned mud weight).  Prepared well trajectory and tubular design for the multi-reservoir appraisal scope (to 15,500TVDSS).

Benel successfully delivered on its promise in the execution of the workover campaign (delivering 8 workovers in 2019 alone) at circa 80% of benchmarked costs.  Increased Asset production rate by ±20% from the workovers, spending 229 days on 7 wells against 250 days planned for 5 wells.  Drilling campaign with expanded team currently ongoing. 


Erivwo Ochuko , Ochai Josephine , Agbaroji Victor , and Oluwatobi Oke. “Considerations for Mitigating Early Water Breakthrough in Horizontal Wells in Heavy Oil Reservoirs in the Niger Delta – Ogini Field Case Study.”  doi:

Orogun Elisha , Erivwo Ochuko , Ideh Matthew , Okon Willie , and Ebenezer Ageh. “Optimizing Technology Applications with Compatibility Challenges in Remote Operating Environments – A Niger Delta Case Study.” doi:

Kelvin Mogekwu , Erivwo Ochuko , Joseph Adams , Joshua Ozor , and Matthew Ideh. “An Agile Quality Management Model for Optimizing Workover Operations in the Niger Delta.” doi:

Brown Field Asset Acquisition Studies & Planning – Land Operations, Nigeria.

A client engaged the services of Benel to conduct an analysis and assessment on it planned brownfield acquisition opportunity. The objective of the vanguard assessment was to review and provide a descriptive listing of the information and quality of data available for evaluating the brownfield asset, and to develop a quick and fit-for-purpose hydrocarbon volumes audit based on a preliminary assessment of the available data.  A multi-disciplinary and integrated study team from Benel Energy, comprising experienced consultants and industry experts conducted the assessment. 

A Hydrocarbon Volumes review (reserves audit) was performed and a preliminary asset technical (subsurface) valuation with a range for In-place Volumes, Remaining Reserves was presented.  Also, a decline curve analysis of the existing producing wells, in a no further action scenario with near-field exploration plays refinement in a subsequent Full Field Review (FFR) work phase was presented to the client as part of a post-acquisition implementation life of field development strategy. 

Outline of the scope of work for Benel as the in-house Technical Team of the asset Operator (Client), following the post-acquisition FFR included transition Operations & Maintenance (O&M) and Production Enhancement (PE) planning to protect asset value and preserve production.  It also consisted of a Field re-Development Plan (FDP) to increase recoverable reserves and Hydrocarbon production and to extract additional value from the asset (brownfield asset sweating) during the execution of a drilling & workover campaign to deliver additional Value. 

Subsequent Benel work pending client successful asset acquisition.

Deepwater Exploration Drilling Campaign – Kwanza Basin, Luanda Angola.

Benel Technical Deepwater Principal Well Engineering Consultancy services a client in deepwater pre-salt exploration campaign planning with the Sedco Energy semi-submersible rig in Angola.

Involved in all areas of the operations preparation – technical design, operations planning, site environmental preservation (oil zero discharge capability including and oil on cuttings separation, recovery, and skipping), service contracting, and operations supervision. 

Provided engineering support and Houston based operations advisory to Maersk Block 16 Chissonga DW Development pre-drill campaign planned to be drilled with the West Polaris dual derrick drillship.a 

Development Field Subsurface Study and Analysis – Land Operations, Nigeria.

The client engaged the services of Benel Energy to conduct an analysis and evaluation of its field development asset. The objectives of the subsurface assessment were: (1) to build a first pass Static Model in Petrel for the Field to provide a basis for dynamic simulation; (2) to build a utilizable dynamic model for the asset that is valid for performance prediction and delivering preliminary production forecasts (Flow rate, production profile for Oil, Gas and Water) and (3) make recommendations for the drilling campaign.

A multi-disciplinary study team from Benel, comprising experienced industry experts, was set up and commissioned to conduct the analysis.  A nine-man work team comprising a project coordinator, three discipline principals (Geoscience, Reservoir Engineering, Petrophysics), two seniors (geo modeller and reservoir engineer) and three operations engineers conducted the studies.  Results from the numerical simulation were obtained based on the structural maps and estimated reservoir rock and fluid properties. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on the results principally to capture the range of uncertainties observed in the variation of petrophysical parameters available for the study.

The outcomes from the technical evaluation study indicating the probabilistic range of the Hydrocarbon Initially in Place and oil production forecast scenarios were presented to the client and the subsurface analysis results closely matched actual drilling results from the field.

Brown Field Asset Re-development – Land Operations, Alabama.

Benel was engaged with asset owners as technical partners for the redevelopment of a brownfield in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  The asset comprising two fields indicated hydrocarbon prospects from 3D Seismic interpretation, acquired post the initial wells campaign, and suggesting that producing wells were down dip of the structure with the potential of the existence of “atic oil” to the fields.

Benel conducted field analytical studies with history matched production forecast to confirm opportunity prognosis.  Benel Technical activity forward plans for asset include field numerical static and dynamic simulation for execution support, detailed wells design, contracting (strategy + implementation) & procurement and operations planning for 2 initial wells on both fields, including environmentally compliant drilling operations in a populated and built up area (using zero discharge and oily sludge recovery and cleaning processes) to deliver uncontaminated worksite post operations execution. Subsequent Benel work pending client securing of redevelopment project financing.

HPHT Well Operations Monitoring Support – Land Operations, Nigeria.

The client identified a need for HPHT operations training to safely drill 6” drain hole with high overpressures prognosis on an ongoing well. 

The HP training was given to the rig team crew and service contractor Personnel in different HPHT concepts including – Gas behaviour, kick identification & reaction, HP drilling procedures, flowback finger printing, procedures while drilling and tripping, etc.  Actual field monitoring services consisted of working with individual crew members to ensure they were able to identify symptoms of overpressures, and to respond appropriately. Client site supervisors were coached to identify overpressures using resistivity logs and d-exponent, and to monitor/interpret shakers splintery cuttings and drilling fluid properties at intervals.

The training was successfully conducted and the HPHT sections successfully drilled with insights from the training and no contingencies were encountered.  The client called the Benel team back for a repeat application on their 2nd well operation in both the 12 ¼” hole and 8 ½ “ hole section.

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